Discontinued snacks that should make a return

Take a trip down memory lane with these long-lost favourites

Joseph Caddick
15th March 2022
Image Credit: Flickr
Food companies are constantly changing their product line-ups, getting rid of unpopular products or ones that have become too costly to justify producing. Unfortunately, this often means that some great products are tossed aside, never to be seen again. Here are some of my favourite forgotten foods.

Milkybar Strawberry Mousse Eggs: Given that Easter is coming up, a good place to start is with an abandoned Milkybar Easter product. These eggs had a smooth (and very sweet) strawberry mousse in the middle, making them similar to the likes of Lindt’s Strawberries and Cream. It was a perfect flavour combination that had a great texture too, certainly different from Cadbury’s Creme Eggs.

Snowflake: The brilliantly-named Snowflake (which was changed to the less brilliant Flake Snow) is exactly what you’d expect, a Flake bar that is made with white chocolate instead of milk chocolate. It also has a milk chocolate outer shell, which if anything made it more similar to a Twirl. As a huge fan of white chocolate, this contrast between the crumbly white chocolate and the harder shell made it a delight to eat.

Tesco’s Jelly Bean Cookies: These were a staple of my packed lunch box in secondary school, until Tesco took them away from me. Pure, sugary bliss is the only way to describe a snack like this, you know it’s terrible but you just don’t care. Thankfully, they’re pretty easy to make, and I have made it my goal to introduce as many people as possible to this wonderful snack.

Wonka Bars: Unsurprisingly, movie tie-in products are shelved after the movie becomes old news. This means some great products are lost, as was the case here. When the ‘new’ version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory came out in 2005, they made the brilliant decision to actually sell Wonka bars. I have a very vivid memory of having my first Wonka bar, my mum came back from the shops whilst I was playing Spyro at home, and as soon as I bit into the chocolate it melted in my mouth. It was one of the best chocolates I’d ever tasted at that time.

Monsters, Inc. Promotional Cereal and Yoghurt: More movie tie-in products. The cereal had little images of the characters on, and was really sweet, which was perfect for me when I was basically still a toddler. The yoghurt just looked really cool, as it was white with a blue circle in the middle, mimicking Mike’s eye. I can still remember how these tasted so vividly after 20 years or so, making it one of my earliest memories. They clearly made an impression on my younger self.

It’s unlikely that most of thesse will ever see the light of day again, and that’s saddening. Apparently Snowflakes were launched in Australia in 2015, but haven’t yet made their way back to the UK. It would be interesting if any of these snacks did return so I could see how they compare to my memories of them.

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