Dish of the week: vegan chilli

Madeleine Raine shares her vegan take on classic chilli

Madeleine Raine
17th April 2020
Image: Wikimedia Commons
Now that many of us have either returned home or are housebound with the government’s enforcement of isolation, it can often be difficult to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. With rows upon rows of empty shelves discouraging us to stick to meal planning, it is often easier to put a frozen pizza in the oven and call it quits.

The recipe that I am offering today however, is perfect for a quick meal and one that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Here is a student friendly recipe for a vegan alternative to the classic chilli.

To make the chilli sauce all you need is an onion, a tin of chopped tomatoes and a range of tinned beans (I know this probably poses as more of a challenge at the moment but any beans will do whether it’s kidney, cannelloni, chickpeas, red beans or lima beans, they all work the same). Throw all of this together in a pan with a little drop of water, a splash of your favourite oil, and a little dash of red wine, then leave to cook until all vegetables are soft.

Now I am a lover of all things spicy so I add quite a lot of chilli powder to spice up this mix, but for those of you who want a milder option then a sprinkling will usually do. If you’re wanting to add a bit more colour or texture to this dish then you can also add peppers, mushrooms, or even carrots to top up on your five a day.

And there you have it! A simple yet delicious meal that is perfect for a student budget and a must have for the whole family.

AUTHOR: Madeleine Raine
MA History student with a BA in English Literature and History. Lifestyle writer and avid traveller who has recently branched out to also cover news articles. Twitter @RaineMadeleine

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