DIY Hair Dying

Laura Bolden gives us advice on how to avoid those at-home hair dying disasters.

Laura Bolden
20th November 2017
Image Credit: @lorealhair (Instagram)

As students, money is often tight. After paying your rent and bills there never seems to be much left to buy yourself some luxuries in life. One of the biggest shocks of moving to university is the realisation that the things we once took for granted actually cost real money, and a lot of it.

Dying your hair can be a bank-busting task - it can be as expensive as £90 for a cut and colour if you choose an expensive salon. You pay for the experience, the seemingly luxurious shampoo and conditioner, and the scented hairspray that reminds you that the products are worth more than you can afford. But you don’t have to blow the budget on your hair.

In the last few years, the beauty market has been flooded with new advanced do-it-yourself hair dyes. Brands have worked hard to remove the low-quality standard stigma by adding professional ingredients and tools, and it seems to have worked. The variety of colours that can be achieved is now vast, from crazy colours such as lilac and pink to classical auburns and blondes. And you can get ‘salon results’ for as little as £5.

You can dye your entire head, add highlights, or simply top up your roots - there is now a product for everyone and everything. It’s hard to shake the fear of dying your own hair, and I for one spent my teenage years using box dies to change my hair colour every month with devastating results. But now the products can maintain your hair’s health and shine rather than strip the life out of them.

When buying your box colour remember to buy two boxes, as there is nothing worse than running out mid-head and ending up with an uneven colour. The second box can always be returned if un-used - it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Image Credit: @luanna (Instagram)

Image Credit: @luanna (Instagram)

Always remember to do the patch test by testing the product on your skin 24 hours before you plan on dying your hair to ensure you won’t have any unwanted reactions. You can even test in a section of your hair to check the colour is the one you desire.

The results are just as amazing and can save you a lot of money. So next time you need a colour top up, think about all the things you can do with your now spare money and opt for a box die. I’m almost certain you won’t regret it.

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