As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, now is a better time than ever to start. It’s important because it increases the likelihood of early detection of breast cancer, and the sooner treatment begins, the greater its chance of success. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, but thankfully its risk can be minimized – through lifestyle changes, and principally by checking yourself often.
It’s recommended to perform a breast self-exam once a month, which means feeling your boobs and nipples and looking at them directly and in the mirror. Look for any changes in size or texture, lumps, swelling, tenderness or discharge. As you do it you’ll get to know what is normal for you, so you’ll be able to recognize anything unusual. And if you do, it’s vital to talk to a healthcare professional about it.
This article isn’t to worry anyone; most abnormalities aren’t cancer, and many (often benign) things can cause breast changes. In fact, focusing too much on potential health issues can affect your quality of life too – but that’s a topic for another article.
This one, however, is about taking precautions, because it’s better (within reason) to be safe than sorry, right? Once a month, check your boobs, move on to something else, then don’t think about it again until next month. Easy. Happy self-examining to you all.