Fortnite launches Season Four

Richard Liddle runs us through the newest additions to Epic Games's popular battle royale

Richard Liddle
8th May 2018

After all the buildup and speculation over the meaning of the past month’s meteor showers, Fortnite has finally entered its fourth season and brought with it a host of map changes, along with the usual new set of themed skins and custom gear.

Contrary to many fans’ expectations that the long-rumoured meteor strike would be turning Tilted Towers to dust, in actual fact it’s Dusty Depot that’s taken the hit. What’s left behind is Dusty Divot, a huge crater filled with debris and loot and which plays host to a new consumable item: Hop Rocks. When you interact with one of these little glowing stones, your character gains temporary low-gravity powers, meaning they can pull of impressive jumps and take reduced fall damage.

It’s a fun new power, but fairly limited given that the effect only lasts a short while and unlike other consumables Hop Rocks aren’t stored in your inventory, so outside of Dusty Divot and some smaller craters scattered around the map you aren’t going to be seeing everyone flying around like madmen. In other words, don’t expect the meta to change too much.


In other words, don’t expect the meta to change too much


There are also new areas in the form of Risky Reels, an abandoned outdoor movie theatre with a sizeable crater at its centre, and two secret lair-like mansions near Lonely Lodge and Snobby Shores. On top of this, old areas have seen some changes thanks to meteor strikes (the Prison in particular has been largely destroyed). Moisty Mire has been revamped in a different way, with film sets and stages scattered about in place of the old trees and treehouses.

So, while the Season 4 update hasn’t been as much of a gamechanger as some expected, there’s still plenty of new stuff to be getting to grips with.

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