From the UK to Malia and from TV to Film: The Inbetweeners

The Inbetweeners Movie holds a 70% audience approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. What made this film so fit for the transition from beloved sitcom to major blockbuster?

Kayleigh Fraser
8th March 2022
Image: IMDB
As if three seasons of the TV show wasn't enough, The Inbetweeners movie graced our screens in 2011. Featuring the returning cast including Simon Bird and James Buckley, the movie followed the boys on their first ever lads holiday to Malia.
James Buckley revisits his iconic character Jay Cartwright in the film. Image: IMDB

Filled with jokes about sex, clubbing, lad culture and drinking, the Inbetweeners movie is a perfect depiction of that stage between childhood and adulthood. We watch the boys navigate their first serious relationships and their own self discovery away from home; a perfect bridge from the ending of season 3.

The film works because it is just so intensely funny, yet still manages to stay true to it's TV series roots. It incorporates the same plot developments, yet reinvents them with brand new twists. For example, James Buckley's character Jay lying about his virginity and pretending he's a sex god and Joe Thomas' Simon getting over his first serious girlfriend. In the movie, these characters are both developed further as they both fall in love unexpectedly.

The quotes are just impeccable, too. I find myself too often saying 'You sh*t on floor? 50 euro fine. Every time.' and  'I stopped believing in god when i realized its just dog backwards.'

In my eyes, this film will always be the perfect TV show to big screen spin off. It manages to wholly redefine characters yet still stays true to the three series of the show and years of character development. I'll always love The Inbetweeners Movie.

AUTHOR: Kayleigh Fraser
Campus Comment Sub Editor for 2021/22 and Head of News at NSR. English Literature Student heavily obsessed with politics, bath and body works and making positive change. Also slightly infatuated with iced coffee, guinea pigs, my dog and binging The Simpsons.

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