Has media coverage gone corona crazy?

Ruby Story Dartford discusses the role that the media plays in in educating and informing amid the pandemic.

In these uncertain times, it is apparent that the media has been expected to play a more important role than ever in keeping us updated on this global pandemic that has grounded the UK to a halt. However, with the constant coverage of COVID-19, it is questionable to ask as to whether the media has gone completely corona crazy?

Whilst it is vital to continue to inform the public with regular updates, statistics and information surrounding this pandemic, the media must recognise that they have a responsibility to report on other major issues that have arisen over the past few weeks. Whilst it may appear that the world has been placed on hold during this uncertain time, there are many other prominent issues that deserve to receive recognition.

Looking beyond the virus is necessary if Britain is to eventually return back to some sort of normality

Furthermore, news outside of the pandemic can effectively be used as a form of escapism to many who have said to have been suffocated by the constant coverage of the coronavirus, therefore it is crucial that the media attempt to focus their attention on other important matters.

Alongside this, the depth in which the coronavirus has engulfed the media has be deemed as extremely concerning, with many companies accused of fear mongering viewers with false information in an attempt to increase views. Additionally, whilst the media are keen to inform the public of the pandemic, for many viewers it has been extremely overwhelming with many completely avoiding the media all together due to the constant negativity surrounding the virus.

This can have an extremely detrimental impact as people may miss vital announcements regarding COVID-19 in an attempt to avoid the constant coverage of the virus.

At a time like this, it is more important than ever to provide the public with morale, the belief that we will suppress this pandemic, yet this cannot be done if the media simply refuse to focus on life outside of the coronavirus.

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AUTHOR: Ruby Story Dartford
Journalist Student studying at Newcastle University.

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