How I plan to motivate myself for the second semester

Are you burnt-out and still attempting to recover from the January assessment period? Here's what can help

Rhys James
20th February 2023
Image credit: Unsplash
I’m sure that everyone reading this has, at some point, had to try to motivate themselves when they have reached a bit of a winter slump. Everyone manages to do this in very personal ways, whether that be routinely going to the gym, reaching out to friends and family, trying something new every day, or changing eating habits.

For years I have been told ‘easy to pick-up’ habits that help maintain a healthy lifestyle which, in turn, helps motivate me to strive for success. Maybe this is just me, but I am in need of different habits to the usual. Here are the three ways in which I am going to motivate myself to actually go into university every day and, without trying to be too ambitious, do university work at home.

Reach out to people

A difficult part of adapting to university life is learning to actively reach out to people. This can be difficult out of fear of not knowing a person well enough to reach out, or simply because time passes you by without you even realising how long it has been since last seeing someone. I personally thrive off of socialising, and forcing myself to reach out will hopefully improve my attitude and direct me to a healthy balance of friendships and time alone to work.

Keep my weekends as free as possible

This can be tricky, as university work can build up throughout a busy week, and part-time jobs can end up taking over your weekend. Going into second semester, I plan to schedule my week-days more efficiently in order to have my weekends for doing as little as possible with minimal feelings of guilt. Of course I will also spend time with friends and go out, but I want more time to mentally recharge before the next week begins.

Make my house more of a home

Living in a student house can feel extremely isolating and non-motivating, especially when the walls begin to mould and your clothes take 3-7 business days to dry. In the next few weeks, I aim to, as far as my student finance allows me, decorate and organise my house to create an environment in which I can mentally focus in as well as relax in. This will include purchasing more plants, attempting to maintain a certain level of cleanliness, and placing more personal and meaningful items around the house.

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