How will my personal relationships change with my move to university?

When everything and everyone around you is changing, its natural to question how your relationships will too...

Rosie McKenna
17th September 2024
Image credit: Courtney Cook, Unsplash
Attending university and being whisked away by a new life can feel very overwhelming – for you and your nearest and dearest! Whilst this time is exciting, it is natural to query what the future holds as you navigate this new chapter.

You may notice that family dynamics change. Or that you are struggling to stay in touch with friends from home. It is normal for relationships to require an adjustment period once you go to university. Personally, I have found that some things change, and others stay the same.

In the first couple of weeks of moving to university, it is normal for some students to ring their family daily. Others may find that distance comes more naturally to them. I do not think there is a guidebook on how you should react to this kind of change. I would advise you not to stress if you are calling too much or too little (however, if you’re the latter, please let your parents know you are still alive once in a while!).

The relationship has more value as the conversations become more intentional

When it comes to friendships, you may notice that you have less time together, but the relationship has more value as the conversations become more intentional. It can be tricky when there is physical distance between friends, but you can invite them to visit and see them during the holidays. Planning coffee dates and nights out two months in advance will go from feeling alien and adult-like, to second nature. 

You will be gaining more independence and with that comes new channels of communication. Try to be honest with your friends and family about how you feel and set expectations if you are too busy to contact them during certain periods. If you feel you are struggling to adjust after some time at university, you can contact Student Services who can provide guidance and support: You can find more information here.

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