Jordan Peele’s Nope trailer is here and it looks like a miracle

Jordan Peele is back with his third film, what can we expect from it?

Pauline Trotry
28th February 2022
Credit: IMDb
Good horror films are rare on the cinematic horizon. So, when the trailer for the latest film of acclaimed horror director Jordan Peele aired, fans rejoiced.

Since it was first announced in November 2021, very little was known about Peele's third solo feature film. But as the director created two of the most original and disturbing horror films of the last decade, Get Out and Us, the excitement was palpable.

Despite how little is known, this film is one of the year's most anticipated

The trailer only made this excitement grow, while raising even more questions. Despite how little is known about the plot, this original film remains one of the most anticipated films of 2022, able to compete upon release with blockbusters like Thor: Love and Thunder and Fantastic Beast: The Secrets of Dumbledore.

Daniel Kaluuta and Keke Palmet in Nope, Credit: IMDb

Thanks to the trailer, we know that Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer play horse trainers at the isolated Haywood ranch, the only black-owned ranch in Hollywood. We know that the horror revolves around strange occurrences originating from an ominous crater in the sky. The film promises more grandiose special effects than Peele’s previous productions.

We discover that seeing Walking Dead's Steven Yeun in a red cowboy outfit is all we have ever wanted. We know that, as Kaluuya's character begs the question ‘What's a bad miracle? They got a word for that?’, we are desperately hoping that Peele's latest film is yet another chilling miracle for horror fans.

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