Killing Eve season finale: 'Are You Leading, or Am I?'

Amy Brown reviews the long awaited Killing Eve finale

Amy K Brown
3rd June 2020
Image credit: Jonas Leupe - Unsplash
Killing Eve season 3 has just concluded with an unpredictable finale and I have a lot of thoughts. Watching this season episode by episode has been a painful slow burn, but worth every second. Spoilers ahead! 

As a huge fan of the show, I will be the first to say that this season has not been perfect. The writing is not as airtight as it once was. The plots, while still clever, do not match the complexities of season one. I’m definitely missing Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s expertise. That being said, as a viewer, I have been completely locked in by Villanelle and Eve. There has been a host of other storylines present this season. From Villanelle’s old mentor Dasha lingering around, to Konstantin and his daughter. Oh, and let’s not forget the fact that they killed off Kenny. For what reason? I’m still mad. However, what kept me watching was the development of Villanelle’s character and her relationship with Eve. 

The waiting game of seeing Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh act together is absolutely worth it

Jodie Comer has thrived this season. She has had the opportunity to delve into her character, and given us award worthy performances. We have learnt about Villanelle’s past, and what she wants for her future. In the finale, she confides in Eve about wanting to give up her work as an assassin. Sandra Oh has been consistently amazing, with her character shifting into darker territories. The waiting game of seeing Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh act together is absolutely worth it. In this finale, they even dance together. Their chemistry is still unmatched. 

This season has been under a lot of criticism and I do understand why. Critics are seeing a show that has been diluted down over the years. The show does struggle to fully commit to its storylines, which ultimately makes it feel a little lost. The writers and producers make less tough decisions this season, like they did with season one. This decisive action made the show better. If Kenny had died in an earlier season, Carolyn would have actually shot Konstantin and been done with it. That being said, I never had a desire to stop watching. Personally, Killing Eve kept me engaged episode to episode. I can't escape it. I recognise that it is a slightly different show than it once was. And that’s fine. 

The final scene of the finale was one of my favourite moments from the show. It felt like time had stopped. In the two previous finales, Villanelle and Eve have hurt each other and broke apart painfully. This time, it was all peaceful. When Villanelle has them standing back to back, slowly walking away from one another, it all becomes clear. As Eve said earlier in the season, “it’s all about choices.” And it is. Villanelle chooses to walk away from the Twelve, and chooses to turn back to Eve. It feels miles away from the Villanelle and Eve who fought and hurt each other. But this change has been building all season long. This final scene was intimate and meaningful, even more so than the kissing scene on the bus (which was a wild ride- literally). It sums up everything that Killing Eve is. Every choice made in this scene was deliberate. It’s anyone’s guess what is to follow in the confirmed season four. The ending sets up for the following season perfectly, with many questions waiting to be answered. To quote Fleabag, “this is a love story.” A crazy, dysfunctional one at that. And I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

Catch up with Killing Eve on BBC iPlayer.

AUTHOR: Amy K Brown
Head of Culture. @akathrynbrwn on Twitter.

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