Labour Leadership: Rebecca Long-Bailey

Stephen Irving puts forward the case for a Labour party led by Rebecca Long-Bailey.

Stephen Irving
6th February 2020
The return of Boris Johnson to Downing Street after securing the Conservative party’s largest majority since 1987 has left many Labour members wondering in which direction the party should head. The leadership race is still being hotly contested between the centrist, Sir Kier Starmer, and Rebecca Long-Bailey, who is viewed as the Corbyn continuity candidate.

While a continuation of Corbyn’s legacy may strike fear in the hearts of many Labour members, we needn’t be so quick to assume disaster is once again on the horizon. What many pundits incorrectly conflate is the unpopularity of Corbyn with a manifesto that policy-by-policy polled consistently well with members of the public. It would be negligent of Labour members to dismiss Long-Bailey, the architect of many transformative policies, including the green industrial revolution. A flagship policy such as this, with the correct messaging surrounding employment and the re-industrialisation of Northeast England would remind these communities they have not been abandoned.

What must also be addressed is the crisis we find this country in, in areas of poverty, the health services, education. We are seeing unparalleled catastrophes in these areas and will need genuine progressive change to rectify Tory austerity.

We will only be able to find the vision and steadfastness to bring about this change by electing Rebecca Long-Bailey.

If Labour is to avoid being consigned to history, we cannot present ourselves merely as “Tory-lite”, too afraid to take bold action.

Our bold action can be built on consensus, who is going to oppose: a well-funded health service? Which parent is going to oppose their child attending a well-funded school where they can receive the best education found anywhere in the world? Which homeowner is going to rail against paid for social care, so they won’t be left to sell their children’s inheritance to pay for care? It is these policies, constructed by Long-Bailey, that will resonate with people right across this country if Labour elect a leader willing to show some aggression and willing to tackle the Tories head-on.

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