What is your vision for the show? Will we see both pole and aerial routines?
Our vision for the showcase is just a more relaxed performance atmosphere than comps for any level of performer. It’s really just a fun night to show off hard work and make some money for charity! There won’t be any aerial this year because we don’t have the equipment available to us but there’s a chance we’ll have it sorted by the next one.
What will the audience expect from this show?
The audience can expect some fab performances in a Christmas themed venue. There will be votes for favourite performances in a variety of categories and a bar available. They can also expect a charity raffle and to cheer a lot!
What kind of choreography and music you are hoping for? And will the dancers come up with their own routines?
The dancers will mostly be coming up with their own routines! There will be some input from myself and (mostly) our lovely choreo reps. We’re hoping for a huge variety of routines really; there’s not particularly a one size fits all when it comes to pole. I know some members plan on fast paced choreo and others have slower songs with a strong beat. Either way we’re hoping for people to feel confident in their choreo and pick a song that really resonates with that.
What advice can you give to the dancers, whether beginner or advanced?
It’s quite a cliche but I think for this showcase my only advice would be to talk to everyone, learn from other performers and ask lots of questions! We always get a really lovely audience so try not to stress too much about the details of performance and know that no one else knows your routine so if it goes wrong, just spin until you catch up! Just enjoy it and invite the most supportive people you know.
Are there any other competitions or shows that will be coming up throughout the year that we should be excited for?
In terms of competitions, it’s a bit tricky this year as we haven’t got solid dates yet and a lot of categories in the main comps have been changed. But, we never miss an opportunity to get up there and perform so there will definitely be some exciting ones through the year. We have another showcase in the works for next semester too.
Are there any pole dancer stereotypes you are wanting to break with rehearsals and the show?
I feel like that’s a difficult question because everyone knows pole dancing has affiliations with stripping etc but a lot of performers love to be empowered by that fact and include nods to this in their choreo. Mainly, I think when watching performers live, people will see that it is an awful lot more than this; routines can range from this style to the complete opposite. It’s more about strength, flow and flexibility than the style of a routine and I think this really shines through in our performers.
When will tickets be released for the show?
We’re yet to decide a ticket release date but keep watch because it shouldn’t be long now.
Keep an eye out on NUPAC's Instagram (@NUPCA_uk) for ticket sales and any behind the scenes photos and videos.