Girls Don't Sync live at NX review: unrivalled energy

Agnes Kargbo reviews Girls Don't Sync's eclectic set at NX.

Agnes Kargbo
17th January 2025
GDS take on Newcastle for the first time ever, and I had the pleasure of witnessing it (front row might I add)! Their 3rd show of the ‘Fourmation’ tour did not disappoint, as the girls delivered another set of amazing music with unrivalled energy.  

Djs Diffrent, Lewis Taylor and Vnee opened for the act. They were all incredible DJs in their own right and were given a chance to shine. This not only helped build anticipation but also allowed for the audience to enjoy a range of genres and styles first. This exemplified the ethos that the girls pride themselves on – bringing community together and embracing their differences. This is truly what sets Girls Don’t Sync apart. It is such a varied and engaging kind of show and this was shown in every aspect of their set; even in the way that we, as the audience, are meant to interact with them.

At the beginning of their set, they urged the crowds to put the phones down, really feel the music and be present with them. While naturally reluctant, giving this a try made the performance so much better. In such a digital age it felt unnatural to put away the phones. However, with this slight change alone you saw the girls reaching out to people and people responding back – it was immersive and infectious.

The girls have said before in their own podcast, that despite understanding why people have their phones out, it is easier to do their part when they can physically see the feedback that they’re receiving from the crowds. Referring to the phones as a “block between us and the audience”, and how no phones encourages the audience to be “present”.  

In addition to this, the NX venue allowed for fans to be physically on stage with the girls too. Watching them curate and craft the music was amazing to see. On this mini stage the girls would also again reach out to fans, dancing with them and enjoying their own music too. It was incredible to witness and be a part of.

The collective consists of members Gaia Ahuja, Matty Chiabi, Hannah Lynch and Sophia Violet. All members have different backgrounds which creates their unique sound, as they take turns performing music or collaborating.

It was incredible to see the process behind what I was hearing – especially as they jumped and blended seamlessly form genre to genre. For example, dancehall one second, transitioning smoothly into house the next.

Overall, Girls Don’t Sync were amazing. The music was expertly selected and blended together, it was beautiful to watch their distinct styles work in harmony but also in juxtaposition as they established their own feel. GDS can truly be deemed as trailblazers in their field - talented women infiltrating such a heavily male dominated space and doing it with ease and flare.

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