Season 2 of Loki started with Loki time jumping between the past and present and showed the reality of He Who Remains’ power. With the TVA no longer dealing with “time variants” (individuals who leave their set timeline via time travel or some other means and change the order of time), new branches in the time stream began to appear quickly. With the temporal loom starting to crack under the pressure of all these new timelines, Loki and Mobius began to go through time to find all of the strings that season 1 scattered around and piece together a way to save all of time.
With short alliances formed between characters that are quickly replaced by others, this season is going to be full of treachery and betrayal.
With the backdrop of Mobius’ identity crisis set up by the revelation that the workers of the TVA were also themselves at some point “time variants”, Loki and Mobius travel to 1893 and find Renslayer, who is manipulating the natural order of Victor’s life – another variant of He Who Remains. They are then found by Sylvie, and conflict arises. There are some issues here- they commit so many time violations (Loki using magic in 1893?) and don't seem to acknowledge the massive problem with this. Behind the sexual tension between Sylvie and Loki, the familiarity of Mobius and Renslayer, is a more sinister storyline: that of Miss Minutes.
We know that Miss Minutes was created by He Who Remains at the end of time and in episode 3, in a strange turn of events, we learn that she is actually in love with him. She also desires a body – something that he was able to give her but didn’t. But whose side is she actually on? With short alliances formed between characters that are quickly replaced by others, this season is going to be full of treachery and betrayal – which is everything a Loki is about.
Loki season 2, however, might just prove that Loki is not only the God of Mischief, but a powerful God that is capable of much more than just simple trickery.