New study shows Goffin's Cockatoos are capable of using and transporting tools, joining the ranks of intelligent animals

Noun: 'bird-brain' - a silly or stupid person. Bird brain has been used as an insult since at least 1910, but due to recent findings – bird brain is more likely a compliment. Recent studies have found that the Goffin's Cockatoo is not only able to use tools to suit their needs but also have the […]

Emily Lowes
27th February 2023
Free public domain CC0 photo.
Noun: 'bird-brain' - a silly or stupid person. Bird brain has been used as an insult since at least 1910, but due to recent findings – bird brain is more likely a compliment. Recent studies have found that the Goffin's Cockatoo is not only able to use tools to suit their needs but also have the ability to carry them as ‘tool kits’

The utilisation of independent tools to attain a sole purpose has previously been regarded as exclusive to primate and human behaviour. Cockatoos are now the third animal to be recognised to select and transport tools based on their particular requirements.

Since the early 2000s, the New Caledonian Crow has been known to have the capability to craft tools. Recent findings have shown that the Cockatoo has the ability to take that to a more complex level.

Dr Osuna-Mascaró alongside a team of researchers conducted the study by placing a cashew nut behind a thin membrane inside a box. The 10 cockatoos were provided two objects, one which would pierce the membrane and one longer tool to draw the nut out.

6 out of 10 cockatoos managed this with ease, some even completing the task in just over 30 seconds.

In a second experiment, the bird was required to complete a further task to transport the tool from one place to the other as a means of collecting the nut.

Dr Osuna-Mascaró commented, “They were able to recognize that they would need both tools in the near future,” 

The findings not only indicate the limit of knowledge we have of these animals, but they provide exciting insight to support the continuation of further research into the animal kingdom.

Watch the study yourself:

New Scientist :
Cockatoos can use a set of tools to retrieve rewards

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