Newcastle disability officer wins Sense charity's 'Influencer of the Year'

Newcastle University's disability officer's outstanding work guarantees her winning the title of 'Influencer of the Year'

Zahra Hanif
15th December 2022
Image Credit: Instagram (@neurodiversitywithlozza)
Newcastle University Student’s Union’s Disability Officer, Lauren Gilbert, also known as ‘NeurodiversitywithLozza’, has been awarded Sense’s Influencer of the year. They won for their outstanding work, in their efforts to raise awareness about issues that the disabled community still face in an accessible and inclusive manner, as a means of spurring change.

They also act as a representative for all students with disabilities across Newcastle University’s campus. They highlight issues that they may face and actively fighting to overcome these, as they themselves have lived experiences of ableism presenting in an educational setting, and are well aware of the lack of support that their disabled peers receive. 

They also act as a representative for all students with disabilities across Newcastle University’s campus

Speaking to Lauren about their win in an Influencer category, they said: "I still can't believe I've won, all the others that were nominated have been huge role models for me and I look up to them so much, so I feel so lucky to have not only been nominated but to have won too. It really means a lot; I never intended to become an 'influencer' of any kind, I just really enjoy writing about my own experiences, political issues and making information accessible to people. If that helps even one person then that's a win."

Alongside their role as Disability Officer, they also act as Treasurer and Social Media Officer of the Disability, Mental Health and Neurodiversity society of Newcastle University. As well as this, they are a member of the NHS Youth Forum - their work is used by Mental Health nurses as a source of information about autism in the workplace. They are certainly deserving of this influential title, for both their hard work and their admirably candid talk of their personal experience as someone with complex disabilities. 

Find Lauren on Instagram, @neurodiversitywithlozza.

AUTHOR: Zahra Hanif
English literature student :)

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