A night out in Newcastle normally consists of journey juice, falling down the club stairs multiple times, and blue trebs, and seeing a random society too drunk to be let into the next club. Not only are the clubs at the top of their game but the people seem to be to, with girls supporting girls, whether that is through talking through their recent situationship or fixing their makeup, the people you meet on a night out are always ones to add to your fun. There is no doubt that all signs point to a good night, but the question remains as to whether it is as good as it is made out to be or whether it just a convenient night out.
There is no doubt that all signs point to a good night
It seems as the nightlife in other places, especially London, are too expensive and overhyped. Friends that I have in other universities claim that their city has a lack of clubs or nightlife or that they are too expensive or too over-crowded. But, the Newcastle nightlife allows students to keep their loan intact whilst having a great night, whether that is going to Kandi Island or Oops on a Monday, Swingers on a Thursday, or Feral Fridays. The variety of the nightlife opportunities provided allows everyone to experience something to their taste, which is something that London and its surrounding areas do not offer.
Yes, a night-out in Newcastle may be convenient for the students, but this does not mean that it is not as good as it is made out to be. There never is a dull moment in Newcastle, embarrassing definitely, but never boring, which is what makes the nightlife in Newcastle as hyped up as it is.