Newcastle University Join 60+ Organisations in 'Healthy Ageing' Initiative

Newcastle University has joined with over 60 organisations in a shared vision for Healthy Ageing, an initiative created by the 'Centre for Ageing Better' and 'Public Health England' (PHE). By signing, the university is committed to achieving 5 key collaborative goals to make sure the people of Newcastle have the upmost life-satisfaction as they grow […]

Joe Andrews
14th November 2019
Newcastle University has joined with over 60 organisations in a shared vision for Healthy Ageing, an initiative created by the 'Centre for Ageing Better' and 'Public Health England' (PHE). By signing, the university is committed to achieving 5 key collaborative goals to make sure the people of Newcastle have the upmost life-satisfaction as they grow older.

Last week Newcastle University solidified its commitment to put ageing under the spotlight in order to make life satisfaction for everyone the best it can possibly be. The University shares the vision of 'Healthy Ageing' with other institutions such as the Department of Health & Social Care and NHS England alongside other major health and housing bodies. There are 5 key principles to the vision: Prioritising prevention and public health, creating opportunities for people to contribute to society as they age, fostering accessible and inclusive homes and neighbourhoods so everyone can live where they want, narrowing inequalities in healthy ageing, and challenging ageist language, culture and practices.

two thirds of people between 40 and 60 believe that poor mental health is a consequence of ageist discrimination

These goals take fundamental steps toward tackling the fears surrounding ageing, which have been been expressed in YouGov's recent survey commissioned by Ageing Better and Independent Age. The Survey found that two thirds of people between 40 and 60 believe that poor mental health is a consequence of ageist discrimination, and over 80% of the same group rated  good mental health as  very important in older age.

It is clear then, that these goals are necessary in order to increase citizen's confidence that their institutions, including the University,  will provide them with appropriate support and care as they mature into old age. It is believed that by tackling ageist issues such as appropriate language, we can remove discrimination in our place of learning. This will increase the inclusivity of our communities and, it is suggested, increase the mental health of our elderly, something Newcastle University has committed to by signing this initiative.

Our University is home to the Confucius institute, a building that pays tribute to the ancient East-Asian philosopher who famously emphasised mutual respect and love towards ones parents and the older generation. It is in this same fashion that the students, along with all members of the University's large community, are encouraged to recognise these issues and unite in spreading the values upheld in this vision for Health Ageing, to create an environment of inclusivity and mutual respect for all, regardless of age.

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