But it was when I turned to fashion as a way to learn more about myself, that I quickly realised what truly makes me feel good about myself. Once I found my own personal style, my confidence soared. Even on the days when I’d really struggle with my body image, picking out a great outfit would make all the difference in the way that I saw myself. I discovered that when it comes to clothing, it’s not so much about the body, as it is about the statement you are making. And my clothes say ‘This is me, I love who I am, and I’m not changing for anybody.'
When I finally embarked on a journey of discovering self-love and self-acceptance, it wasn’t easy, but it became incredibly rewarding. I began to accept that we all have our flaws, insecurities and bad days, and that no matter how much I wanted to be perfect, ‘perfect’ is just a pretty word - not a state that can be achieved. I’ve grown to be okay with that. Today, I’m happy being perfectly imperfect.