NUSU satisfaction survey seeks feedback from students

The NUSU Student Survey, ran annual online survey by The Student Union, has been opened again for students to complete this year. The survey seeks to gauge the student body’s awareness of and involvement in the various activities and opportunities coordinated by the SU. It only takes around five minutes to complete and asks participants […]

Grace Dean
27th February 2017
The Newcastle University Student's Union. Image: Wikimedia Commons, Chemical Engineer.

The NUSU Student Survey, ran annual online survey by The Student Union, has been opened again for students to complete this year. The survey seeks to gauge the student body’s awareness of and involvement in the various activities and opportunities coordinated by the SU.

It only takes around five minutes to complete and asks participants for their views on important aspects of the work that NUSU does such as awareness the campaigns, involvement in various volunteering projects and level of satisfaction with educational representation at the University.

The survey allows Sabbatical officers and the staff body of the Union to gain feedback to improve the activities on offer and provide services relevant to all students at Newcastle University. It also allows the Union to use a more bottom-up approach by directly identifying the wants, needs and complaints of current students.

Jack Taylor, President of Newcastle University Student Union, said:

“This survey is really important to us as it helps us understand what our students want from their Union, how well we are supporting them and how we can help each one throughout their time at Newcastle.

“It covers everything we do, from representation to volunteering opportunities, the Student Advice Centre and even Mens Bar. Everything that the SU has to offer.”

All participants are entered into a prize draw with prizes including a 55” Samsung 4k smart TV, an Apple Watch, £200 cash and a Beats Pill+ Portable speaker.

To complete the survey, visit the Newcastle University Student Union website.

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AUTHOR: Grace Dean
Editor-in-Chief of the Courier 2019/20, News Editor 2018/19, writer since 2016 and German & Business graduate. I've written for all of our sections, but particularly enjoy writing breaking news and data-based investigative pieces. Best known in the office for making tea and blasting out James Blunt. Twitter: @graceldean

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