People Watching by Sam Fender song review: one of his best songs to date

The Geordie Boss's lead single to his forthcoming album is a reminder of just how powerful and beautiful music can be.

Cerys Millard
11th December 2024
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons, Richard Nicholson
Mr. Fender has only gone and done it once again: ‘People Watching’ is possibly one his best songs to date. The intro gets you hooked, and it contains arguably one of the best musical bridges I’ve heard in a long time. If you don’t want to scream the chorus at the top of your voice, then you clearly aren’t listening to the right song as it will leave you wanting it to be played repeatedly.

Released on 15 November ahead of his new album in February, ‘People Watching’ sets the tone for a very promising new track list. The entrance of the song can be seen as very reminiscent of his song ‘The Borders’, with them both being kicked off by some elegant electric guitar notes. Sam Fender has an incredible knack for being able to talk about serious topics within his music without them feeling depressing or cliché, he brings truthful experiences and human emotions within all his lyrics and my personal favourite line in People Watching is "Above the rain-soaked Garden of Remembrance", which takes place at the start of the amazing bridge I referred to. You can really feel the emotion throughout Fender's vocals within this song, with it being very reminiscent of ‘Spit of You’ from his album ‘Seventeen Going Under’.

Sam wrote the song in dedication to someone he helped care for last year and the song brings across the raw emotions and grit of this, truly capturing in the lyrics what it is like to watch a loved one fade away in front of your eyes. The song feels like a reminder of how striking Sam’s songs are and how powerful and beautiful music can be. ‘People Watching’ is really setting a promising tone for what is to come from everyone’s favourite Geordie Boy.

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