The leading online adult entertainment platform Pornhub launched in 2007, reaching 1 million daily visits within its first seven months. The expanse of it’s online presence is enormous, but it’s reach makes controlling usage extremely difficult. 60% of children aged between 11 and 13 have seen pornography unintentionally, influencing so many into believing porn is a true representation of sex, when in reality, this is far from the truth.
Aside from promoting extremely unhealthy body image expectations for both men and women, porn romanticises aggressive and sometimes violent sex. In 2022 the search on Pornhub for “Gangbang” went up by 88%, illustrating how porn cannot always be seen as harmless 'entertainment'. This category often places one person in a position of vulnerability whilst others physically dominate, actively inciting violence and abuse whilst being disguised as ‘sexy’. Through presenting non-consensual sex as attractive, porn instils the attitude that consent is unnecessary, creating the expectation that because porn is so easily accessible at all times, sex must be too.
Aside from promoting extremely unhealthy body image expectations for both men and women, porn romanticises aggressive and sometimes violent sex
A good friend of mine was born and brought up in Iran, a country where homosexuality is still illegal. She told me that through access to porn she was able to learn about lesbian sex, helping her to identify and understand her sexuality through online platforms providing education and exposure.
Whilst porn creates the space for sexual education, it also fuels the fetishisation of lesbianism for the male gaze. The 2022 Pornhub statistic review saw “Lesbian” become the favourite search in the US, perpetuating the idea that sex is an experience to be enjoyed by men, placing male pleasure at the forefront of these platforms. With comments like “you’re a lesbian, that’s sexy” or “let me watch” becoming all too frequently heard, porn disrespectfully places homosexuality in a category of fetishes.
I am not denying that this industry has benefits. Sex work is real work, and sex workers deserve to be respected and protected within their jobs. As a rise in popularity of other sites like OnlyFans shows, women are reclaiming their sexuality in a way which allows them to profit and gain financial independence. However, Pornhub sparks major ethical concern through exploitative patterns that show a lack of responsibility for the videos released. In 2009, a 14-year-old girl was raped at knifepoint, the videos being uploaded to Pornhub. Despite repeated emails, phone calls and messages from the girl, Pornhub ignored her. They only deleted the videos when she impersonated a legal team, exposing a fundamentally unethical core of the company and a lack of responsibility for the individual.
Representation in porn needs to change. Real bodies and real experiences need to be shown, rather than perpetuating an unhealthy depiction of sex that places pressure on viewers to achieve an edited version. Porn sites have a moral responsibility to promote safe, consensual sex, allowing teens that learn about sex and relationships through their content that respect is fundamental.