Portuguese government to combat brain drain with tax breaks for under-35s

The Portuguese youth exodus, how are the government encouraging them to stay?

Oscar Jenkins
28th October 2024
Image Credits: Pixabay
The Portuguese government has announced measures to tackle an emigration epidemic amongst young people. This forms part of the country’s 2025 budget and is set to also apply to foreign workers employed in Portugal. 

Tax breaks under the proposed scheme mean that under-35s would be granted a 100% tax exemption in their first year of work, up to €28,000 (£23,500). This would drop to a 75% exemption between their second and fourth year of work, 50% between fifth and seventh, and 25% between eighth and tenth. With the average salary in Portugal being €20,000, the scheme would be incredibly beneficial to young people - moving away from the fixed tax brackets for all adults set between 13% and 48%. 

Changes arose after President Luís Montenegro’s snap-election victory in March 2024. His centre-right party, the Social Democratic Party, ended nearly a decade of rule by Portugal’s Socialist Party and formed a minority-government. Montenegro’s message was clear: “Give young people the future they deserve”.

The Emigration Observatory in Portugal reported that 850,000 young people (30% of 15-39 year-olds) have left the country at some point, for economic benefit and working opportunities. In the second-quarter of 2024, average unemployment in Portugal stood at 6.1% - amongst young people, 22%. Additionally, the Pew Research Centre also reported that, in Portugal, over 7 in 10 young people still live with their parents.

Due to the minority-government, the Socialist Party must abstain or the far-right Chega Party must vote for the budget. If neither of these scenarios happen the budget will fail to pass into law. The budget has been costed at €645 million - a key statistic which is likely to swing how parties decide to vote. Failure to pass the budget would cause the collapse of Montenegro’s government - the parliamentary vote will take place on October 31st. 

AUTHOR: Oscar Jenkins
News Sub-Editor at The Courier

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