Based on the Villanelle novella series by Luke Jennings, the show was adapted for the screen by Fleabag writer Phoebe-Waller Bridge and it became the eight-part series Killing Eve. It follows bored but passionate MI5 officer Eve Polastri (Oh) and compelling assassin Villanelle (Comer) and their growing obsession with one another with many murders, violence and fake accents along the way. The show was commended for the electric chemistry between Eve and Villanelle, the clever twists and the dark humour.
Fans are hopeful that series two will bring an even higher level of suspense and intelligence. Filming has already taken place across London, Paris and Amsterdam. Phoebe-Waller Bridge is taking a back seat this time round with an executive producer role, with Emerald Fennell taking over as main writer. The cast will of course include Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer, and Fiona Shaw will also be reprising her role. A new addition to the cast is Nina Sosanya, plus a few other new faces. Julian Barratt is also making a guest appearance on the new series.
Details on the plot of the next instalment are few and far between, but let’s hope for some answers to the many questions that arose in series one. And of course, more of Villanelle’s creative murder weapons and expensive shopping trips.
Killing Eve was by far one of the best shows to bless our TV screens last year
A trailer dropped on Valentine's Day (very fitting) and it is everything we love about Killing Eve, showing our main characters, familiar faces and a little taste of what comes next. The one-minute trailer is thrilling from start to finish, with a haunting cover of ‘Addicted to Love’ playing in the background. It only reveals snippets to get you hooked and does not reveal too much plot. If you’re caught up with series one and haven’t seen the new trailer yet, go and watch it. It will remind you just how much you love Killing Eve. For those who endured that cliff-hanger at the end of series one, we haven’t got much longer to wait.
Killing Eve series two is set to begin on April 7th in America and should be available in the UK not long after that.
Featured image credit: IMDb.