Respawn leaks reveal potential Mandalorian game in the works

"This is the way" to find out how it could look

Imogen Smillie
18th March 2024
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

NOTE - EA has recently cancelled the development of a Star Wars FPS game produced by Respawn

In recent, almost top-secret news, Respawn Gaming are working on a first-person game based on every nerd’s favourite Dad, The Mandalorian. From the not-so-secret sources at Insider Gaming, the job is currently in the works and with the help of the Disney+ show, there are plenty of ideas flowing through the galaxy.

The main idea is that you will play as a Mandalorian bounty hunter, around the time that the Galactic Empire rules the galaxy. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find and kill bounties for a cash reward. Simple – if Pedro Pascal can do it, then so can you!

"The main idea is that you will play as a Mandalorian bounty hunter, around the time that the Galactic Empire rules the galaxy."

One of its main features as a first-person game is its supposed high mobility. The bounty hunters all have jetpacks, and being able to fly through the missions is what the makers are promoting as one of its more desirable features.

Main sources have described the game as “very fast-paced”, perfect for those wanting another take on another Star Wars game, Jedi Survivor.

Other main features of the game are set to include: health regeneration based on successful kills; a variety of weapons (including wrist rocket and grapple hook); and for the game to be level based and not open world.

By having this linear structure of levels, it allows the players to explore specified planets in the Star Wars universe, possibly with a fixed storyline along the way. Perhaps this means we will see some familiar faces on the adventure, Bo-Katan, Boba Fett? Maybe The Armorer will help make your ‘fancy’ suit? And of course, we would love to see Din Djarin and Grogu help on a mission!

But of course, this is all speculation, as the game is potentially in the works, and probably won’t release for another two years. Until then, let’s hope this not-so-secret source can give fans a little more to get excited about!

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