Skin - Dijon

(hey its me i cant change the name so its sarah tunstall lol) I think that Skin by Dijon (or really most Dijon songs if I'm honest) is a staple addition to a shag playlist. It's one of those songs that isn't explicitly sexual/hard going. It's something more intimate to play in the background if […]

Editorial Team
5th February 2023

(hey its me i cant change the name so its sarah tunstall lol)

I think that Skin by Dijon (or really most Dijon songs if I'm honest) is a staple addition to a shag playlist. It's one of those songs that isn't explicitly sexual/hard going. It's something more intimate to play in the background if you're not wanting to relive a sex scene montage like out of a film. It's lyrically, and musically beautiful that I can't fault his music full stop, within and without the bedroom.

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