The 90s- the best decade of fashion

Imogen reviews her favourite decade of fashion

Imogen Mole
9th March 2022
Image: Instagram @atterly
For me, the golden decade of fashion has to be the 90s. Whether you’re a lover or a hater there’s no denying that it was an iconic decade, and with most trends slipping back onto Urban Outfitters' rails, and TikTok’s recreating Princess Diana’s street style, it’s certainly proved to be influential.

I have always gravitated to the 90s, in style, music and TV

Image: Instagram @ofthebestyears
Image: Instagram @lovely.lady.diana

Although I’m a 2002 baby so grew up around 2000’s fashion (don’t get me wrong, I was as insanely jealous of Hannah Montana’s sequin dresses as the next person), I have always gravitated to the 90s, in style, music and TV. As an avid watcher of iconic 90s tv shows like Friends and Sex And The City, the style I looked up to growing up was optimised by Rachel Green’s slogan sweatshirts, plaid miniskirts and baby tees and Carrie Bradshaw’s racerback mini dresses and low waisted midi-skirts.

The first decade where casual street style started to emerge

The 90s seemed to be the first decade where casual street style really started to emerge, I love that you could wear an oversized white t-shirt and boyfriend jeans in the day and a barely-there mini silk slip-dress at night (hello, posh spice), and although some would argue rightly so that the 90s was not a time of major inclusivity, it did offer many different expressions of style: from hip-hop style dungarees and bandana prints to rave culture bucket hats and tie-dye, to Sporty Spice's trendy athleisure, the 90s was a time where there wasn’t just one category for what being ‘stylish’ meant, and suddenly everyone was experimenting with their style, asking themselves whether they were a Monica Geller or a Rachel Green, a Beyoncé or a Kelly Rowland, a Baby Spice or Ginger Spice.

Image: Instagram @dariafoldes

So yes, like in every decade there was some hits and misses in the 90s (I'm looking at you, parachute pants), I stand by the fact that the 90s was the best decade for fashion.

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