On TikTok, Erika Schafrick, 22, posted an emotional video detailing the experience she had with a recent University assignment, where she was given a zero, despite submitting the assignment in full. She attested that she could acknowledge it wasn't "that good" but in an Art like Philosophy subjectivity and interpretation is so wide, there should never be room for a zero.
Schafrick's story going viral on TikTok has opened a conversation for wider dialogue on the relationship teachers and students have through marking. At Newcastle, we are often in a situation where feedback for past assessments are made available after the deadline for a second assignment submission. Even before the marking boycott, I often found I would be submitted end of module assignments before receiving feedback for others. How am I meant to amend my work to the criteria a marker is looking for if the only time I receive any feedback is when I have no assignments left?
Too often, any feedback that is received, lacks substance or clear direction. However, given the current workloads of tutors, this is no surprise. An overhaul of the current marking system creating more attentive feedback is needed, but is it possible? Students have the option to use teacher's office hours - an incredible asset all should be using - but should they be a means of additional support rather than neccessity. Regardless, one thing is clear: if submissions are made, zeros should not be an option.