The university student vs. the World

How can we make a difference when we have a degree to study for?

Laura Kasongo
21st November 2023
Image credit: Lewi El Hawary
Admittedly, like most uni students, scrolling for hours through my phone is my main method for procrastinating assignments. But scrolling in a world, which exposes global atrocities alongside memes in one swipe, makes that difficult to do.

As mindless as I try to be when relaxing, news is something I can’t be numb to and if I’m not aware of everything going on at every moment, I feel an immense guilt I can’t shift.

Whilst being socially aware is important and integral to change, there is so much pain that makes my studies and own worries seem minute in comparison. Being behind on reading, under/over the wordcount, left on ‘seen’ or homesickness, feels lost in the rubble of Palestinian and Ukrainian tragedy. Its hard to force a smile at the best of times, much less when the world is on fire, and putting effort into anything other than putting the fire out seems like ignorance.

Invalidating your own life experience does not help you to be a better ally or understand the struggle.

Yet, there is no bliss in that so-called ignorance. This wasn’t easy to come to terms with myself.

If anything, it drowns you and so you can’t outstretch a helping hand. When I’m mentally and academically overwhelmed, sometimes the only thing I can do is listen to and share the voices that need to be heard.

Sharing posts, signing petitions and attending protests or vigils have a bigger impact than you might think. If leaving the house is its own hurdle, simply having a conversation with someone does so much to change social opinion and still leaves you with time to breathe.

There’s that age-old belief that looking after your own wellbeing is selfish, but trying to balance the weight of the world with your degree severely wears you out.

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is to go for a walk or do what you enjoy. That doesn’t make you any less of a good activist or student, it makes you human.

AUTHOR: Laura Kasongo
Arts Sub-editor, Poet and Photographer.

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