Top wanderlust-worthy travel Instagram accounts

Em Richardson gives us major wanderlust with her top travel Instagram accounts!

Em Richardson
13th November 2019
When you’re planning your next trip, there’s no better source of inspiration than Instagram. Filled with pictures of dreamy scenery and golden beaches, it’s sure to pop a destination or two on your travel bucketlist. With that in mind, I’m here to point you in the direction of some of the best travel accounts out there.

1. Kiki at @theblondeabroad

Since quitting her office job six years ago, Kiki has visited over 70 countries, and splits her time between her original home of California, and Cape Town, South Africa. So far, this sounds fairly typical for a full-time travel blogger. However, what I love about Kiki, and what makes her different from some of her fellow bloggers, is her determination to ‘give back’ to the local communities she visits. She has always donated to charitable causes in the areas she visits, starting when she raised $5,500 towards college scholarships for three Peruvian girls. She is particularly passionate about feminist causes, including decreasing female illiteracy in South America. If you want tips on how to travel ethically, and how to enjoy local culture without being exploitative, then give Kiki a follow, and check out her website for some helpful blog posts.

2. Maria at @mariathepilot

Maria is a Swedish airline pilot, based in the stunning Canary Islands, who offers her followers a glimpse into the life of a pilot, and the stunning destinations she visits. According to her blog, only 5% of pilots are female, and Maria offers a valuable insight into working in a male-dominated industry. I love the way she encourages other young women to pursue their aviation-based dreams. Plus, she posts some stunning pictures of the places she’s lucky enough to visit. Again, she’s a travel blogger who offers something a little different.

3. Valerie at @trustedtravelgirl

Valerie is passionate about celebrating and experiencing other cultures, and focusses on ‘living like a local’. She aims to visit the places tourists usually ignore. As a life-long lover of adventures and travelling, she offers many insightful travel tips. She also aims to ‘give back’ to the places she visits, visiting orphanages in Mexico to aid in charitable outreach. Since Valerie prefers to travel alone, her hints and tips are particularly useful for solo female travellers.

4. Lee at @leeabbamonte

Amazingly, Lee has visited every country in the world, including the North and South Poles. He has travelled everywhere from Easter Island, to Timbuktu, to the Faroe Islands, and is a member of the Royal Geographical Society. His Instagram is full of photos from some of the remotest places on Earth, as well as helpful travel tips. To me, Lee serves as a firm reminder that anything is possible, and dreams are there to be chased.

So, give these guys a follow, and watch your feed fill up with both insightful travel tips, and breath-taking images. Happy travels!

Feature Image Credits: mohamed hassan from

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