Trouble with double standards?

Do we have a problem with judgment and labelling someone for doing something they want? Sam Blackburn takes on the topic of differences in perception around sex

Sam Blackburn
20th March 2017

Double Standards with men and women… Am I to take on the role of a white knight feminist, stating how unfairly women are treated when it comes to the matters of intercourse, or am I to completely deny the whole entire thing? Neither to be honest with you. When it comes to dating and mating, there’s double standards on both sides and they’re both harmful towards both sexes involved.

The stereotypes within society seem to dictate that a man who sleeps around a lot is a legend and a woman who sleeps around a lot is a slut. Is that true? In my opinion, no, but that’s all because of my beliefs. I see sex as something what people enjoy doing because we’re animals who get horny, it’s as simple as that to me, therefore I see defining someone’s status in life by how many sexual partners they’ve had to be pretty null way to impress others. That’s the exact reason why I see the whole labelling people for how many people they’ve had sex with to be a pretty sad thing to do. At the end of the day, it’s their body and their business, I couldn’t give a crap if they’re participating in foreplay, having sex or unleashing a bowl movement on their chests for extreme sexual pleasure, it’s just none of my business and neither is it yours.

“At the end of the day, it’s their body and their business”

Why do girls seem to be insulted for being promiscuous whereas men are praised? Is it some sort of patriarchal conspiracy in which men are trying to further oppress women? Maybe don’t ask Tumblr this question…

I’ve heard a few people state that the whole double standards thing comes from the presumption that it’s harder for men to get laid than women. Is this true? I honestly don’t know, but I’ve had friends who were both male and female who enjoyed the sexy time with multiple partners, so I kind of get the impression that it might not be and that people should just get on with their lives, not giving a crap? I’ve always kind of thought that those people who have lots of sexual partners are the people who generally just have bigger sex drives, therefore must fulfil their urges and that it’s not a gendered thing? I mean women can have sex drives as big as men, heck even bigger. Why if someone needs to fulfil the sexual urge their body has, can they not just do it without being called a slut or a legend?

“Why do girls seem to be insulted for being promiscuous whereas men are praised?”

What I’m trying to say is, sleep with who you want, as long as it’s consensual and not with someone already in a relationship, anyone underage, your dog, your copy of Dark Souls 3 (A “friend” tried it) or a member of your family. I know those are basic rules, but I just felt the need to try and tell people to literally stop giving a shit about what other people think. Double standards exist, but maybe if we weren’t so obsessed with each others lives then maybe they wouldn’t.

“Double standards exist but maybe if we weren’t so obsessed with each others lives then maybe they wouldn’t”

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