Since the 7th November Donald Trump has widely proclaimed victory of the election, even though the numbers tell us otherwise. Joe Biden was declared the winner of Pennsylvania, pushing him over the 270 electoral votes he needed to win.
Trump however, has not acknowledged this win. Mr Trump has filed lawsuits in the states of Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan. But what exactly is he suing the states against?
The Trump campaign has maintained since the election was called that there was a level of fraud in all of the swing states. On several occasions Mr Trump has claimed that republican vote observers were not allowed close enough to confirm the votes, and in Philadelphia he won this battle, allowing officials to observe from a six foot distance.
Many of these lawsuits though have already been dismissed. In Nevada, judges have dismissed injunctions on voting machines as well as closer observation of vote counting. In Georgia, judges rejected an appeal to disqualify around 53 ballots that the Trump campaign deemed unworthy.
@realDonaldTrump on Twitter, 18th November
More recently on the 22nd November, the campaign has demanded a full recount in Georgia, with some uncounted ballots in favor of Trump. Georgia election officials maintain that this will not change the final count - with Joe Biden leading by 14,000 in the state.
So, what does this mean for the future? With Trump still using his Twitter as a soapbox, he will continue to have a platform to incite his supporters. Although, what will come of the lawsuits is unknown.
Many have already been dismissed, but I think that this will be a never ending string of lawsuits. Whether he wins the few that are left or not, this won't be the end of his crusade to declare victory; even though he's done that several times already.
My prediction is that he will lose the current lawsuits, but start new cases again trying to disprove the result. In the end I believe he will try and become an unofficial politician, holding rallies and marches in his name to try and build up a right wing political group.
What we're seeing now definitely isn't the end of Trump, the end of his presidency and the issuing of lawsuits only mark the transition into his new political era. His supporters are still angry, still ready to fight.
Going into next year, we don't know what it may bring. President Biden will be inaugurated but under what circumstances? Sadly from what we see now, we know Trump and his group will not give up - this is only a new beginning.