US Government consider breaking up Google

“… Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly" Judge Amit P. Metha has ruled.

Tommaso Sartori
6th November 2024
© Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0
The US Deartment of Justice is considering the break up of Google's monopoly over the internet search market. This is following the discovery that Google uses its other products such as Chrome to direct users to its own search engines to increase revenue from advertisements.

Other than being the outcome of a trial between the US Department of Justice and Google, some consider this to be a pivotal step for the US in the regulation of companies.

As the scenario develops some who are aware of technology progressing faster than the legal system warn that the break up of Google's monopoly would not fix the issue but rather damage the positions of smaller businesses and consumers who rely on Google. There is also the potential this would decrease Google's hold on the search market while generative AI tools gain it.

The European Union have taken a different approach, where instead of focusing on one company, they target pre-arranged contracts between tech companies.

While it is now too soon to tell what the outcome of this process is going to be, this case may have far more reaching consequences than is currently thought.

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