What I carry in my purse: a guide to night club essentials

First time on the Toon? Here are some of the essentials to make sure your night is safe and enjoyable

Molly Taylor
27th September 2021
Image: Pixabay @dceven
Freshers week is just around the corner, and that means countless events to choose from, for a wide variety of interests. Whether you’re a nightclub veteran, or are going out for the first time, it’s important to be prepared for anything the evening could throw your way. That banister was sticker than you expected? No problem, you’ve got hand sanitiser. Your card gets declined at the bar? No worries, you’ve got a little spare cash on you. It’s always important to be prepared for whatever a night in the Toon brings, and of course, to have fun as well! So, I present here a list of things you might not have thought of, that I personally carry with me on a night out.
  1. Bum Bag

Shoulder bags are nice, but I have found them to restrict my questionable dance moves. I realised pretty soon into my university experience that a bum bag is much more practical and allows you to have a good time without worrying that your bag might slip off your shoulder.

2. A small amount of cash

I always bring a very small amount of cash with me on a night out (usually around £10 in smaller notes or change), as well as my card. It’s useful to have a bit on you in case you need to get a taxi home, or your card gets declined.

3. Drink lid

This is something that I have invested in recently and has given me peace of mind on a night out. Although relatively uncommon, drink spiking is something to be aware of, as it can have serious repercussions. Various brands have made drink lids that protect your drink against being spiked, including different designs that are both reusable and disposable.

4. A phone with your location switched on

'Find My Friends' is useful not only from a safety perspective, but also so you can meet up with the friends you didn’t realise were also on a night out. Although Snapchat has this feature, I've found it to be not as accurate.

Hopefully this list has helped you think about things you haven't considered bringing on a night out before. Of course, safety is vital, but it's also important that you meet new people and have a good time with your friends!

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