For most of us, buying a coffee is a part of the daily routine. I admit that I cannot live without coffee - caffeine is my number one best friend at uni. I do try not to buy it often, yet my spending is still huge. Tired of going on a coffee run everyday? Here’s why reducing your caffeine consumption may save you from draining your wallet:
No more domino effect
Before or after class, stopping by Starbucks in the Students’ Union has become a habit for many. It can actually feel weird if you skip one day without caffeine. A friend mentioned, ‘when I buy a cup of coffee, I tend to buy the extras also.’ You think you’re only going to spend £3, but without realising, it costs you a lot more. Skip those extra snacks and your wallet will thank you.
Be healthier
I agree, consuming coffee helps a lot if you want to stay up late, it also helps to wake you up. But drinking coffee everyday can increase health risks. You don’t need to stop it at once, but reducing the amount of cups is the right way forward- juices and smoothies are way better for you.
Image Credit: @matchaeologist (Instagram)
The smaller the cup, the more money you saved
Instead of buying a venti caramel macchiato, opt for a smaller size, or a cheaper coffee! It can save you up to 30 percent of your usual spending. The cost probably still damages your budget but then, we all know that university is stressful and you need your energy booster. So if you’re not ready to let your coffee go, this method can help you stay under your daily budget.
Bring your own
Bringing your own tumbler is always an option. Many coffee shops, including Starbucks, offer discounts to customers who bring their own tumbler. Who doesn’t like a discount? Its also a huge help to the environment.
Switch to homemade coffee
Another common alternative is to make your own coffee at home. You may think that it is expensive, but if you invest in coffee making equipment, you’ll find that you’ve saved in the long run. What’s better is that you can customise it according to your taste. BuzzFeed Food can be your guide on re-creating your favourite coffee on a budget.
Or, take advantage of your loyalty card
Many people are willing to spend £3-£5 just for a cup of coffee. In addition, they tend to buy it in the same place over and over again. In my case, I usually buy my coffee from Luther’s Bar, so here’s a tip for you: if your favourite coffee shop offers loyalty cards, you better take and use them. They could just be your money saviour.
But… if you feel like saving more money, it might be more effective to stop your coffee consumption. You will save both money and time… and time is money, anyway.