International Happiness Day! Feel-good stories: anything that makes you happy

With International Happiness Day on the 20th March Bilyana Yordanova tells us about some positive stories from around the world that are sure to cheer you up!

Bilyana Yordanova
28th March 2021
On the 20th of March, we celebrated the International Day of Happiness, which was a brilliant chance to try to focus on the good things happening around the globe, which unfortunately are not always reflected by the media. In case you did not have the chance to read some feel-good news, in this article, we are discussing a few things that went right during March 2021, spread by Positive News, so keep on reading!

Often, especially during the ongoing global pandemic, we find ourselves forgetting about all the amazing things happening around the globe

We are one step closer to net-zero flights

Researchers in the USA have come up with a technique for using food waste for jet fuel. By relying on a ‘bio-refining’ process to transform food waste into a paraffin to be used in aircraft engines, soon we can enjoy zero carbon emission flights. They are saying that using this food waste fuel would decrease the greenhouse gas emission by 165 per cent!

Spain will trial a four-day working week  

This March, Spain became the very first country in the European Union that introduces a 32-hour-working week trial, since for years, the benefits of a shorter working week have been discussed - increasing productivity, reducing emissions, improving equality, etc. Although many details are still being arranged, such as the number of the companies that will try the trial and how long the experiment will last for, firms and employees can rest assured – the Spanish government has announced that it is considering covering the costs incurred by firms that participate and say that employee pay will not be affected at all.

Japan’s ban on gay marriage was considered unconstitutional by the court

Japan is actively moving towards a legalisation of gay marriage, since this March, the court ruled that Japan’s ban on gay marriages is unconstitutional and it violates the national constitution, which asserts that all people are equal. Japan is one new legislation away from announcing same-sex unions as legal!

Often, especially during the ongoing global pandemic, we find ourselves forgetting about all the amazing things happening around the globe. However, in order to feel good and maintain our mental health, we should try and consume feel-good news more often, not only on the 20th of March.

Feature image credit: Pixabay, @Geralt

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