Labour Leadership: Keir Starmer

Jack Wallace-Hunter discusses Kier Starmer's chances of assuming the Labour leadership.

Jack Wallace-Hunter
6th February 2020
It must be said, from the nominations purely, it looks to be that Keir Starmer is the favourite to win amongst the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) and the unions/affiliates.

Yet this is only the preliminary stages of the Leadership contest, and many a frontrunner has been usurped of that title when voting commences. Yet in this case, as a Labour Member, I say we cannot repeat the mistakes that have resulted in four failed attempts to regain control. So, what were these mistakes? Perhaps Ed Miliband was not radical enough; perhaps Jeremy Corbyn was too radical – not for members of the party, but rather the general public.

So where is the fine line between too radical and too moderate? The answer is Starmer.

His policy is not dictated by labels or how radical they could be – rather it concerns itself with unity and priority. Those primary concerns must be centred upon social justice, aspiration and the protection of this union. The idea of furthering the powers of devolved governments whilst also embracing the narrative to do away with divides such as leave/remain pushes his claim. It is about rebuilding, not only the party, but this nation. The party cannot continue to support factionalism and dividing itself on how left or how right one’s politics is. We must come together and seek compromise.

Put simply, I believe that Mr Starmer can unite the Labour party, work with unions, create dialogue with businesses and listen to what the public wants. We cannot continue to prescribe what we think is right, to continue with existing policy. We must adapt, listen and engage with the public. To understand that promises of free broadband for the nation is simply not a priority of the people. And finally, to crackdown on the rot of antisemitism that grips the party. It is Starmer who would take personal responsibility for its removal, as a leader should.

To me, Keir Starmer has priorities in his radicalism, unity in his policy and is the best chance we have as a movement to win back power in the next General election.

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