Bulk meal recipe - Vegetarian curry

Joe Molander shares his quick and easy vegetarian curry to add to our student recipe repertoires

Joe Molander
1st October 2020

As you all settle into independent living, it may have now got to the stage where you've had one too many Deliveroos and your student loan is looking a little thin. Time to buckle up and make your own curry (promise it's easy)!

For this recipe you’ll need:

  • 450g own brand curry sauce. Any will do, but tikka masala and korma are personal favourites. I do mean own brand: bulk cooking is all about the savings.
  • 500g own brand microwaveable rice. Any will do, and I do mean own brand. Can you sense the trend here?
  • 1 onion
  • 75g frozen peas
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

What to do:

Chop up the onion and add it to a pan with the olive oil. Fry the onion for ten minutes on medium to high heat, moving the onion around with a spatula or tossing the pan itself. This is known as sautéing, which is a word far too sophisticated for this recipe.

After that, put the onion and curry sauce in a second pan and put on a medium heat for ten to fifteen minutes.

A few minutes before the sauce is done, it’s time to microwave the rice. For this recipe you’ll need roughly two packs, which you’ll need to microwave one after the other, following the instructions on the pack. It should be in the range of one to two minutes. Remember when you were all fancy and sautéing onion?

When the rice is done, stir the peas into the curry sauce. You can do this as you’re serving, because the peas will cook in the heat of the sauce.

Serve in your brand new IKEA plate or bowl, and put the rest in a Tupperware container. Welcome to university.

AUTHOR: Joe Molander
Head of Current Affairs and co-founder of The Toon Lampoon. Politics, interviews, satire and the Courier's leading authority on frosted tips. @JoeMolander on Twitter and full portfolio available on Muckrack.

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