Honing in on home workouts

Sophie Wilson shares her joy of homework's and gives her top-tips to staying fit at home

Sophie Wilson
2nd November 2020

Home workouts seem to be the ‘in’ thing at the moment. Ever since lockdown hit us, and we could no longer pop along to the gym for our sessions, we have been adapting to working out in the comfort of our own homes, and there are SO many benefits to this. 

Firstly, wear whatever you want to. Do you want to work out in sweat pants that are years old with your hair scraped back in one of ‘those’ buns? Do it! I mean, you should wear what you want to a gym anyway, but I know that I for one feel self conscious and insecure at the gym, and so wearing nice workout gear masks this fear. But, when you are at home, it is all about the effects of working out rather than trying to look good while doing it. 

Secondly, time. Working out at home saves you the walk to, or the drive to, the gym. In our busy and hectic lives, fitting in the gym is always hard, but now you have no excuse. Instead of bingeing another three episodes of Friends, get some workouts done in your living room!

The burning sensation that you feel at your core is amazing, and Wicks himself seems like he can feel that burn

It is all well and good preaching about the goodness of these workouts, but where do you find them? I have three firm favourites that I want to share with you.

Joe Wicks, the king of working out at home. Pop along to Google and type in Joe Wicks’ abs workout. This is one of my all time favourite categories of his. The burning sensation that you feel at your core is amazing, and Wicks himself seems like he can feel that burn. Sharing the sense of pain makes the whole workout more bearable, I promise you that. 

Another free Youtube workout is Chloe Ting. These workouts follow a more linear structure, with 28 day shreds being mainly what she is famous for. I tend to get stuck in a rut of trying too hard to find a routine with my workouts, thinking I have to do one everyday or I have failed. Try to get out of this mindset, and just pick a few from these 28 days, and have fun with it. 

Download an app or search in YouTube, and feel the magic of home workouts begin to hit you

Working out should be fun, and it should be done because you love your body not because you hate it. This is why my all time favourite is SWEAT, the app that gives you 3 workouts to do a week. With three being manageable, I firmly believe that I have never been so motivated to workout at home than with this app. Although you have to pay monthly, you get access to a calendar that tells you which workouts you have done and when, it allows you to progress onto harder levels of modules if you complete one, and also it mixes up the exercises each week. This app is guaranteed not to make you bored of working out, and it may just help you fall in love with moving your body. 

So, what are you waiting for? Download an app or search in YouTube, and feel the magic of home workouts begin to hit you.  

Feature Image: Pixabay @rob9040

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