How I’m attempting to maintain a rocky relationship with my parents:

Our writer explores their changing relationship with their parents whilst studying...

Editorial Team
23rd October 2024
Image Credit: Unsplash
Whilst, as students, we manage our degrees with a balance of going out and making new friends, it is still important to (if possible) keep a strong connection with family. For me, going to university has made me realise how much I treasure the relationship with my parents and how much I missed just being able to wake up and see a familiar face when I went into the kitchen or even the petty arguments over how messy my room is. I think I am very fortunate to be in a world where if I do truly miss my parents they are a phone call or a text away.

However, I find texting draining to begin with, it’s borderline parasocial and lacks the things we actually need from conversation and sometimes you miss someone and that lack of a response causes more stress than necessary. So, if you’re like me, how do we navigate the stress of texting with wanting to manage and maintain our relationship? Well, I’ve found myself just calling my mum on my way home from lectures- but I am fortunate that my mum’s working hours allows me to do this. One of the things I missed about with my mum is giving her a full debrief at the end of a day, I've replaced this with voice notes and although it’s not the same sending a minute long podcast and waiting for hers is sometimes just what I need after a long day.

My dad is a different story, he’s not the most tech-savvy and barely uses his phone and I struggle sometimes to hold a conversation with him over text. However, he is the first person I told about going home during reading week and who I organised trains with. In our special little way this is us keeping in touch, we know when we’re going to see each other next and I have even messaged him requesting meals that I’ve missed whilst being in Newcastle.

At the end of the day, nothing will ever compare to a face-to-face interaction and although we are lucky enough to have phones it is completely valid to still miss and want the real interaction with our parents. I’m so lucky to be going home in November, I will treasure the week away and wait until I’m home again in December.

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