How Long is Too Long for University Breaks?

How much time do we really need away from Uni?

Safia Adia
22nd January 2025
Image Source: Pexels
As assignment deadlines loom and procrastination becomes the norm, you may long for a never-ending holiday. Despite this, in the last few days of your long-awaited holiday, with nothing better to do than go to town and walk around your local shopping mall, you may feel an odd pang for some revision or essay to complete. Holidays are definitely necessary. We all need a break from not waking up for 9 AM lectures and not finishing projects but how long of a break is too long?

At the end of my first year, the university blessed me with three whole months for a holiday. I wrote a list of all the things I wanted to do and see in my time off. My execution of this grand plan, however, was lacklustre. I got some much-needed rest, sleeping in almost every day and rewatching Doctor Who for the twentieth time, but I didn’t do nearly as much as I wanted to.

With such a long holiday I managed to procrastinate doing the things I had been dying to do all year. With a shorter holiday, I might have been spurred to do something other than walk around the Arndale for the 7th time with my friends.

One month for Christmas, one month for Easter and two months for summer I think hit the sweet spot. Enough time to relax, spend time with friends and do the things you can’t do when you have 1500 words to write by next week.

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