If being an International Student was a song!

We look at how music can be linked to being an international student.

Pardis Yarahmadi
20th September 2022
Image Credit: Facebook @Homayoun Shajarian
Like many other international students who might miss home during their studies in a foreign country, I also miss mine. I remember the day I moved to England and arrived in Newcastle. Tyne and Wear looked like a lush green amber from the airplane window, with purple-brown shades. It was different from everything I had ever seen. You might say, oh, what does ‘this’ have to do with music! Let’s skip to this article! 

But that is the whole point. I am sharing this experience as I find it very similar to the feeling that this Persian song gives to its audience. It is a 2016 song named ‘Ba man Sanama’. The lyric is taken from the 13th-century Persian poet Rumi. The song uses many Rock Music instruments (e.g., drums, electric guitar) for its production, which is not a feature of classical music. This song is a mastery combination of the East singing traditions and Western music. 

This song is a mastery combination of the East singing traditions and Western music

The singer Homayoon Shajarian is very famous in Iran and the Middle East. He is a master of the traditional Persian singing style, which is among the most complicated singing traditions. Homayoon sings the old-Persian traditional music on a rock note. The first time I listened to "Ba man Sanama",  I had goose bombs all over my body. It was hard to believe that such a combination was even possible! It was so beautifully made and mixed that it would leave anyone with a slight flavor of openness to new music styles and rock music in awe. 

Later in an interview, Homayoon said he had done this for the new generation of Iranians to befriend traditional music. 

The composer Sohrab Poor Nazeri is another genius in music who seems out of the earth when playing instruments. He plays numerous classical instruments, including the tambour and kamancheh. When he plays tambour, he looks ‘out of the earth’, which I believe to be the main reason behind the uniqueness of his composing.

As an international student, I look at my stay at Newcastle and studying at Newcastle University similar to this song. The university offers traffic chances to learn, mix, and adapt cultural reflections to this new and friendly atmosphere. Like music, if picked and carefully played, experiencing a new culture can create something as unique and as paradoxical as ‘Ba man Sanama’. 

The university offers traffic chances to learn, mix, and adapt

To have a flavor of this outstanding experience, please listen to the song attached and give us your feedback.


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