Ouseburn councillor called on by police after cutting locks on playground

The councillor representing Ouseburn took matters into his own hands and removed padlock from children's playground

Rhys James
28th February 2023
Gareth Kane, a councillor who represents Ouseburn, used a hacksaw and pliers to remove a padlock and chain from a children’s playground following a call from a resident.

Mr Kane, who has represented the Ouseburn Ward since 2004, was called on 6 February by a resident who complained about the playground having been padlocked. Initially, Mr Kane believed that this could have been done for safety reasons, but became suspicious when he noticed it was a “cheap chain and a padlock” that had been “glued and held together with gaffer tape”.

The Liberal Democrat Councillor asked Newcastle City Council to reopen the playground, but three days later spotted “about a dozen kids playing football outside the area”. Soon after, Mr Kane returned with pliers and a hacksaw to take matters into his own hands.

Northumbria Police were called to a possible vandalism, but shortly realised that no criminal activity had taken place. Mr Kane said "While I was sawing away I spotted a police car - with blue lights flashing - circle the area before two officers inside it came over to have a word. Luckily I had my councillor pass and they didn't take any further action."

Following this incident, Mr Kane reiterated the importance of these play areas for children in the Shieldfield area, saying that they “give the local kids the opportunity of having something healthy to do and they shouldn’t be excluded from what is their own space.”

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