Sexy and Modest: the unlikely duo that can go hand in hand

Sexy and modest can coexist, so here is how to balance the two!

Samantha Seidu
14th February 2023
Image Credit: Instagram @juelliet
When we think of the word ‘sexy’, we often associate that with showing skin, cleavage, wearing tight clothes, the list could go on. Whilst these are all sexy, it can be a restrictive way to define sexiness. Not everyone might feel comfortable exposing too much of their bodies due to religious or personal reasons, but that should not stop anyone from feeling sexy and confident. So, with this in mind, here are some tips to feel sexy whilst maintaining the modest look!

First and foremost, before anything else you must be confident! Being sexy doesn’t always have everything to do with what you wear but it always has something to do with how you carry yourself. Don’t be afraid to take up space and exude confidence, people that are shunned for not being conventionally attractive look amazing just by carrying themselves in a confident manner, looks always come after! So walk around like the main character you are!

Image Credit: Instagram @ juelliet

When it comes to clothes and outfits, less doesn’t always have to be more. Looking sexy and wearing modest outfits can absolutely work well together! Lace is always one of the most versatile materials you can wear since it allows you to wear layers underneath. Say if you have a lace dress, wearing a plain top or dress underneath can help you to maintain the modest look whilst still looking good. Sexy clothes don’t necessarily have to be tight fitting or show a lot of skin, so in this case, layering will really help you out! Adding a shirt or a leather jacket to any kind of outfit being a long dress or a top and bottoms can make you look effortlessly cool. Colour scheme always matters too! Try opting for bolder colours such as black or red, this will really transform your look!

Don’t be afraid to take up space and exude confidence

Makeup will also be your best friend when it comes to creating a sexy look. As mentioned before, wearing bolder colours can really change the vibe of your look, creating a more mature and powerful demeanour. Pair this with a good winged eyeliner and/or smokey eye and you’ll be good to go!

Image: Instagram @juelliet

When it comes to any kind of look, sexy or not, accessories can always add to a look! When it comes to this, you never need to do too much. A simple gold necklace and earrings are sometimes all you need to spice up a look. When it comes to earrings, your safe bet will always be hoops, they go with everything and can make any outfit look much cooler. Add a couple of rings to the mix and you are set! Adding any kind of belt would also make an amazing addition to the outfit if you feel comfortable with it.

At the end of the day, when it comes to achieving a sexy and modest look, the most important thing you can do is have confidence as mentioned in point one! Sexiness is a concept that can be one size fits, it doesn’t only apply to specific people. Have fun with it and do what makes you comfortable!

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