The beauty of individuality in selfcare

Selfcare doesn't have to be the same for everyone and that's what makes it so special

Manon Sanchez
16th March 2023
Image Credit: Instagram @_selfcare.sunday
Whether you practice weekly trips to the gym, have a bubble bath once a week or just simply choose to spend time with family and friends. Self care can be different and special for everyone. At uni we can all attest to the feeling of being drained and wanting to rejuvenate in some way. Many forms of self care can make this feeling disappear or soothe the busyness in our minds.

Social media has made self care in some ways an aesthetic trend but it really doesn’t need to be so picture perfect. For me, self care is choosing to do something for myself at least once a week. That can range from going to dinner with friends, watching a movie or laying in bed a few hours longer in the morning. I think that our society hypes self care to being something more glamorous than what it truly is.

Uni is without a doubt intense so if there are in some ways forms of self care that lightens that intensity then that’s enough.

Image Credit: Instagram @daubanddesign

It also doesn’t need to cost anything. I think there is often a stereotype that self care is the self improvement or adjustment of our appearance. That our exterior needs to look better. When it should in fact range wildly away from that. Self care, in my eyes, is rather the restoration of the inner self and mind. To better the person we are around others.

Self care, in my eyes, is rather the restoration of the inner self and mind

Being creative with new ideas for self care has been something that makes me feel better within myself. Journaling for instance was something I did once a week for a month now. By practicing this it truly made me feel less congested in my mind and was a simple activity that dissociated myself from a hectic week of uni.

Image Credit: Instagram @lilian.letters

This may seem obvious but prioritizing yourself everyday is important, it’s not selfish to choose your own happiest before anything.

There are no specific rituals to self care and that’s what makes it fit for everyone to practice. It is rather a conscious decision to make sure you are in some ways looking after yourself no matter how small that action may be. It also doesn’t need to make sense to others either. I think that’s the beauty of self care, is that it’s vastly different for everyone and the habits we adopt to feel better is unique to each person.

Self care should be celebrated in all its forms.

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