Live Review: Twin Atlantic

Eloise Doherty reviews Twin Atlantic's performance as the support act for Catfish and the Bottlemen.

Eloise Doherty
18th November 2019
Image: Instagram- @twinatlantic

Twin Atlantic have opened for Catfish and the Bottlemen time and time again but with performances like this its easy to see why!

I am going to start this review by confessing my bias towards Twin Atlantic - I’ve been a fan of the band since their debut album in 2011 so I was delighted to get the chance to see them live.

The band have announced their fifth album release for January – their first new music since 2016. With this in mind, I was expecting only a small number of the Catfish crowd to know Twin Atlantic but believed the band would be able to win over some fans over in the duration of their set.
However, I needn’t have worried – from the very first song of the set 'The Chaser' the audience were singing along and there was even a mosh pit in the standing area (always the sign of a good night to come)!
The band, especially lead singer Sam McTrusty, were very energetic on stage which the audience were loving and clearly demonstrating their approval.

The crowd were enthusiastic throughput the set and this didn’t even wane in the band’s two new songs. 'Volcano' and 'Novocaine' are the latest singles from the band and were only released in October so it was heartwarming for me to see many in the crowd already knew the songs and were clearly enjoying their first opportunity to see them performed live.
The shortness of the set was probably my biggest complaint of the night as the band only played eight songs – whilst this was enough for them to showcase songs off each of the albums, it would’ve been nice to see a few more performances of their older material.

For me, their set reminded me of why I love Twin Atlantic so much, they performed with Heart and Soul (ba-dum-tsh) and showcased a variety of their songs which I know and love!
The band next play Newcastle on their headline UK tour in March to support the release of their new album and you can be sure I will be there!

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