What Men Don’t Understand About Women  

What do men often struggle to grasp about women?

Charley Dobson
23rd January 2025
Image credit: Pixabay, Julie Rose
Aside from the obvious answer of ‘everything’, what misconceptions are clouding men's understanding of us girls?  

Women don't need a partner to be successful or secure often times, a girl is content with a small group of trusted friends and her own company. For some odd reason, this seems to puzzle men, and thus, frequently, they misinterpret a woman's independence as an invitation to pursue her romantically.  

This leads nicely to the next point- a woman can want to be your friend without wanting anything else from you. It's a phenomenon joked about daily amongst girls, the impossibility of keeping a man close to you platonically without him misreading the state of the relationship. Of course, there are some exceptions, in which case rare and impressive friendships are nurtured, but for the most part, maybe prioritise reading the room before making a pass at your friends.  

Another unfortunate misunderstanding is the misattribution of motivations for our appearance.  A well-groomed woman in a thoughtful outfit doesn't indicate vanity, shallowness or insecurity, as some men might believe. Men often seem to forget that women usually don't dress with the intention of impressing anyone but themselves. Do men understand the difference that feeling confident in yourself can make to the whole mood of the day? It's the chin pointed higher and shoulders un-slouched feeling that many women strive for each morning- tracking how many heads she’ll be turning is unlikely to be what she’s considering when she's getting ready. 

A well-groomed woman in a thoughtful outfit doesn't indicate vanity, shallowness or insecurity, as some men might believe.

Finally, the most important thing to grasp about women is that it's near impossible to understand us all grouped together. Whichever woman it is you’re trying to understand, get up and talk to her. The secret to understanding her will be in her individuality, her quirks, all the little things she likes to complain about. Identity doesn't start and stop at a person's gender- once you can appreciate that, you'll be a whole lot closer to understanding women.  

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