Album Review: Paramore's 'This is Why'

With the release of their first album in six years, Paramore have just released 'This is Why'.....

Jessica Mckeown
27th February 2023
Six years after the release of their last album, Paramore has made their grand return with their newest album This is Why. Whilst I was more of a fan of Halsey and Panic! At the Disco in the mid 2010s, I appreciated the impact that Paramore had on the pop-punk scene.

Comprised of 10 songs and with a runtime of 36 minutes, it is easy to fly through the album and find yourself wanting more. Filled with relatable lyrics and catchy tunes, the album has a familiar quality to their past works. It is recognisably Paramore and yet feels like something fresh, ushering in a new era for the band. I have seen many criticisms of the album because it doesn't take the listener back to peak-Paramore era, but is that not the point? Are bands never allowed to evolve and experiment? After all it is 2023 and the music scene in general feels drastically different to six years ago.

Are bands never allowed to evolve and experiment?

The songs, whilst still energetic through the use of guitars, feel slower than the iconic Paramore hits and, as of yet, do not have the 'singing along in the car' vibes. Upon my first listen of the album, I did single out 'C'est Comme Ça' as a song that I would inevitably skip on future listens. Whilst yes I enjoyed all of the other songs, none particularly stand-out as a "wow, that's definitely going on my playlist" moment. They all sound a little bit same-y if you listen to the whole album in one sitting. The final three songs 'Liar', 'Crave' and 'Thick Skull' feel slower and quieter, with more sombre lyrics particularly in 'Thick Skull'. Despite being the closing song, the band revealed in an interview for Billboard that it was the first song they wrote for the album.

Touring the UK and Ireland in April of this year, whether this album and tour will introduce Paramore to new listeners is debatable. It may attract new listeners but is definitely putting off older listeners. Personally, Misery Business will never be beat but I feel like this album could grow on me.


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