How to pack just a carry-on?

Saving money on luggage? Here's how to fit everything you need in that little carry on!

Ananya Padmanabhan
31st October 2022

Carry-ons are handy, convenient, and lightweight, however, incredibly tiny. Packing can be entirely time-consuming and irritating in general but with a carry-on, chances of it being a hit or a miss are even higher. There are some ways to get around packing for that short trip for the weekend, business trip, or even just an additional carry-on, here are a few ways to do that successfully.  

  1. Packing cubes: packing cubes can save a lot of space and are a great investment for travel in general. Packaging delicate clothes, socks, ties, or folded T-shirts into these cubes can give ample space to pack other items in. 
Packing, Image credit: Unsplash
  1. Space-saving folds: folding clothes by following guides such as the Marie Kondo method can significantly improve and maximize the storability of your clothes and ensure less wrinkling of your clothes 
  1. Emergency clothing only: If you are carrying another suitcase, make sure to use the carry-on only for your essential gadgets, documents, and emergency clothing do not stuff more than the baggage allowance onto them 
Travelling essentials, Image Credit: Unsplash
  1. Minimalism: if the carry-on is for a short trip it would be best to stick to basics, a few pairs of clothes and essentials can take you a long way.  

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